Just Do It | Using Squarespace to Host My Podcast

That’s right. You heard me.
I have a podcast.
You might even be hearing me right now, in my podcast. I have loads to say, but I’m not going to say any of it right now- instead I’m going to show you how I did it. Well, first I’ll tell you how I did it the first time, why that didn’t work out for me, and why I think squarespace is where it’s at.

first, how not to do it

I made a podcast last year. It was whole one-episode long series that I might actually pick up again someday. It was my first go at making and putting out any type of podcast material and I chose to host it on… drum rollllll please!!!!!

Sound Cloud

Yeah, Sound Cloud.

You see, I had let all the other fancy podcasting platforms go because I was already familiar with sound cloud and it looked like I could follow the instructions really easy on setting it all up. It was easy. I made my first episode, uploaded it to sound cloud, submitted my RSS feed to apple podcasts and waited for the email confirmation that my podcast had been approved.

Good news! It was approved!!

But that’s as far as I took it. Why? Probably a bunch of reasons- but I think one of the bigger factors is that I found out eventually sound cloud charges you to upload content!! That’s right, after you fill up 180 minutes of free space, Sound Cloud charges you monthly to have an account. Hard pass. This is for fun!! I don’t want to sink time and money into it.

So, I left my meager podcast to one episode.

try again

I know I’ve seen plenty of people with podcasts hosted on their website so I knew there had to be a way for me to do it on mine. Turns out, Spuarespace makes things super easy. I followed the instructions in this blog post and had my blog up and running before the end of the day.

I’m currently working on episode 03 so I’m hopeful that I will keep this ball rolling.

My intention for this podcast is to share my business & photography experience with my peers- other photographers & videographers, wedding vendors, creatives, small business owners & entrepreneurs. I’m hoping to build a place for me to be frank with my photography techniques, open about my business practices and available to learn from & with others.

So, thank you for listening to episode three.