YOU are responsible for YOUR OWN DESTINY | here's how i'm doing it

I know there’s going to be people that could argue with that statement- How can you be responsible for your own destiny when there are so many things outside of your control?

There’s so many things we can’t control- but what we can control is how we react to them. Socrates reflects about how he reacts to different situations in his life. He couldn’t control them, but he could control himself and how a he reacted is what defined him.

"I do believe that one way to have a destiny is to choose one." Melinda McGraw

I think Melinda McGraw is onto something- the one way to have a destiny is to choose one. Until you believe that you were made for a grand purpose, your purpose will be lack luster. I don’t think you need a new years resolution or some huge goal set in order to fill a grad purpose- but I also don’t think those who meet their goals meet them without making them!

here’s how i’m doing it

The last year through loads of excuses my way- weddings have been cancelled or postponed, large events are cancelled (no more bridal shows), there’s not as much money in the economy right now so non essential purchases aren’t happening as frequently, my projects aren’t moving fast enough, there aren’t enough people in my area- the list could go on!!

But why would I let any of those things hold me back? Weddings aren’t happening? OK find a way to make money over those weekend days. Spend more time marketing to fill up next year’s wedding season! This list is just starting to get rolling- with effort, I know I can overcome each obstacle.

For a wedding photographer, I didn’t photograph many weddings in 2020. Instead, I photographed seniors, families, boudoir and a few kids- when I look back, 2020 isn’t the year COVID19 changed everything- it’s the year that I dove head first into portrait photography. The results? I’m a much better portrait photographer than I was 365 days ago.

I’ve grown my client base from word of mouth, strategic marketing and extra social media efforts. I got here from making mistakes, reading blogs & books, watching youtube & skillshare or creative live classes, and listening to other entrepreneurs- loads of hard work!!

how not to do it

I used to be terrible at marketing- but the if there’s anything that I’ve learned over the past few years- it’s that if you are terrible at marketing, it’s because you aren’t closing sales. Which is true! Years ago, I was the photographer that was taking photos all the time, but not making any sales! Here’s my hypothesis why: I didn’t value my work like I wanted my clients to. If I wasn’t convinced that my work was valuable, how was I going to convince clients? The answer- I couldn’t.

So, I studied a lot- I contracted out A LOT, getting hours on hours of experience in the field- and made photography my main focus. I’ve invested in my camera gear and I know I’m not done investing/learning.

Now I provide a service that I wish I could provide for myself. I’m jealous that I don’t have a me to call up any time for photos. Well, I do now that Olivia is getting it photography as well!!! My work speaks the story of my people- love stories, coming of age chapter, and community events. I’m proud of it and confident in it’s value- in my value.

You know who else is confident in it’s value? My new clients annnnnd my returning clients. They can’t get enough.

investing in yourself

I think you are your safest investment. Invest in your education, equipment & health.

I’m repeating this process nearly every year- continuing to invest in my business more and more- bigger marketing budget, more camera gear, new video equipment, education and this year- I’m adding a client closet to my investment list.

I’ve already received my first two shipments of dresses and I can’t wait to get them on set to show you all. I’ll share all the details- from seller information, dress sizes and adjustments to the color & shipping time. I’m the most excited for a future shipment coming (hopefully at the end of the month.) I’ll be looking for a maternity model, preferably someone due at the end of May!

If you have someone(s) in mind, have the email me at