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Fitness, Beauty & A Milk Bath | Jazmin Grace Strange

Jazmin and I go way back. 

Not in the sense that we have been best friends forever, just that we have been taking photos since the beginning of my career. 

Want proof? I have it for you - let me introduce Jazmin, circa 2014.

Back then, my business was called Splendid Studios and of course, I was Brittany Reimnitz- not Brittany Schnell. Looking back, I think they are actually pretty good for the most part. I was working with a Nikon D3200 camera and a 35mmm 1.8/f lens. Those were the days.

We thought it would be fun to recreate those images. A few things we did differently: less makeup, no wind, less heavy editing. Check out the updated versions:

We captured workout style photos for Jazmin’s Instagram. She did a variety of stretches, yoga poses and sprints. To wrap up Jazmin’s workout images, we through in a little smoke bomb action. She will use these for her Facebook and Instagram where she inspires others to be their best selves.  

When talking about her body, Jazmin said “You know, I’m happy with my body the way it is. I was happy with it six months ago- but I knew I had more potential. I want to crack into that potential” 

Well, Jazmin, I would say you are crackin’.

Going back to my portraiture roots, we visited downtown Mitchell. I love the texture infrastructure brings to photography and I low key have missed it! Jazmin, thank you for bringing me back here!

But the part of this photo session- the part that Jazmin was the most excited for was the milk bath. I secured a clawfoot bathtub and orange/yellow roses to bring out Jazmin’s dark & amber eyes. 

I’m only going to show you the PG photos, but I will let you know that we took some NSFW photos for her husband, Ben.

Ben just flew out for a year deployment and unfortunately, he will not be able to come home for his two weeks’ leave. This means an entire year separated from his wife and young son. Hopefully, Jazmin’s photos will help him feel closer to home. 

It was wonderful seeing Jazmin again. I had so much fun during her session!