Robert & Marie Nehl Family Photos | Feb 28, 2020

Meet my new friends: the Nehl’s

I took family photos for them during a transitioning time in their lives. Henry was just about turn six and get a new baby brother in a few short days.

We had a great time! Henry was full of energy and Marie was so close to having Adam. Robert toured us around their family farm. Grandma, Deb was there every step of the way - both for photos and Henry patrol. The unseasonably warm weather allowed us to have a wonderful afternoon in the bright sun

Outdoor Farm Lifestyle Family Photography

Outdoor Farm Lifestyle Family Photography

Outdoor Farm Golden Hour Photography
Horse Portrait Photography
Lot’s of Energy!

Lot’s of Energy!

Kid Superhero Photography
Outdoor Maternity Photography
Outdoor Farmer Phography

While we were taking photos, their horse came over to say hi- you guyssssss I really enjoy photos with livestock (horses are livestock, right?) in them, and these photos did not disappoint! Horses are huge! I'm humbled every time I'm next to one.


Robert, Marie, and Henry welcomed their newest family member, Adam the first week of March- (I believe the 3rd, but I can't be certain!)

Maternity Photography

Congratulations on your growing family. I hope happy and healthy days for you <3